Tuesday 26 January 2010

Tasks 1 and 2

I've had an igoogle page for ages, but have tended to use it as a hub for gmail and RSS feeds etc. I didn't really bother to customise it. Now I have, it does feel more like a personal space than an extension of a search engine, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to have Frogger so close at hand! - have added screenshot for those dying to know what my page looks like.

So here goes...

Welcome to my 23things blog. I have to confess that my big worry about starting a blog is finding the time to keep it going- but I'm sure that it'll prove addictive, as these things so often do!

With 23things, I think I'm hoping to have a go at things I know about but have never found time to really experiment with. I also hope that having a go at things together as part of this will create a great network of support for this sort of thing- I know lots of people are talking about it and showing each other how to do things already!